Electrical Panel Upgrades
Keegan Electric Solar is your Electrical Panel Upgrades & Repair Expert
The advantages of updating your current electrical panel to a new 200 amp PV electrical panel upgrade is; it follows the new electrical code requirements for adding solar to your house, by having the main breaker at the opposite end of where your Solar PV system comes into it. You have an electrical panel that can provide you with breaker space for more circuits in the future for expansion, and it enables you to use your new Solar PV system to its greatest potential by being more efficient. Get a quote on having an electrical panel upgrade today.
If you’re electrical service is underground and you have 36” of clearance from your supply gas service line. You can upgrade your panel to a 125 amp PV Electrical panel , that has a 225 amp bus bar rating. This is a great solution for upgrading if you can’t trench and want to add a 200 amp.
Keegan Electric Solar will make upgrading your electrical service panel easy.
- I will Notify SDG&E and get the planner to approve of the Location for the new Electrical panel
- Keegan Electric Solar will obtain the electrical panel upgrades permits from city or county.
- I will schedule a disconnect/reconnect appointment with SDG&E
The day of the Electrical Panel upgrade, complete the work, call for the local city or county Inspector, then SDG&E will turn power back on. No later than 3pm the same day.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will my power be out?
Do I need a permit?
What is the difference between a 100 amp Electrical Panel vs a 200 amp PV Electrical Panel?
– A 200 amp PV Electrical panel will allow room for adding more circuit breakers 20/40 breaker space available, with a 225 amp busbar rating which results in allowing the homeowner to add solar, A/C, spa, EV car charger, etc. Check are products page for panel that we use.
What if access to my electrical panel is encased in concrete driveway and I want to upgrade to a 200 amp electrical panel?
– We would first saw cut and trench a new path and install 3” PVC conduit to the new location of the panel. We would then back fill and repair concrete. And provide professional stucco repair to match the existing texture for a seamless finish.